Breastfeeding Realities by AGATA
Deciding whether to breastfeed? If you are anything like me you are doing all the research you possibly can to be prepared for the new addition to the family and find out the must-know breastfeeding realities.
This post will focus on the breastfeeding realities, starting with discussing the importance of understanding that breastfeeding is difficult, feeding is on demand, babies lose weight in the first few days, growth spurts are common, and realising that asking for help is essential. We will discuss that breastfeeding may not be for everyone but it can also be a magical experience for you.
After reading these realities, you are going to be more prepared for your breastfeeding journey. I am sure you will have your own realisations as well.
This post is all about the must-known breastfeeding realities every Mama should know about.
1. Breastfeeding is DIFFICULT
The reality is that deciding to breastfeed is a personal choice. There is a lot of pressure on the mother, especially from health care professionals, to breastfeed. You’ve probably heard of all the benefits of breastfeeding from hundreds of people. While there are pros to breastfeeding, IT IS YOUR CHOICE.
If you chose to breastfeed, you will need to prepare yourself for the journey, the good, bad, and the ugly. It is NOT easy. It does not come naturally to everyone. However, there is a lot of support out there so please use it to your advantage.
Healthcare professionals are trained to help and advise, but take this advice with a ‘pinch of salt’. While healthcare professionals are trained and may give great advice, not all of them have actual breastfeeding experience. Talk to people who have breastfed, they might not be trained but they have life experience. And yes, some lucky Mamas have a more “straightforward” journey than others.
It is important to be supportive of each other!
[Related: 7 Essential Tips for Breastfeeding at Night]
2. Feeding on demand
Breastfeeding has no schedule. You are working on your baby’s demand. You may have just fed an hour or four hours ago. If your baby is doing their common cues, give them the boob. As long as the baby is gaining weight you are doing great!
Making plans or being on time may be more difficult in the beginning, but it is doable, and people will understand if you are late or need to postpone your meet-up. Feed your baby on demand, they want to grow big and strong for you and are therefore asking to have more.
3. Babies lose weight in the first few days
Breastfed babies usually lose a bit of weight after birth. Do not worry, they normally regain it quickly. Your baby should get weighed regularly for you to have the reassurance you need that they are gaining weight.
4. Growth spurts
Not feeling like you have enough of a supply?
“The baby is on me non-stop”, “this is not normal”, “I do not have enough of a supply”
These statements are all common! If you think that the baby is latching on a lot, they could be going through a growth spurt. This is normal, and it’s all about supply and demand. The more your baby demands food by stimulating your milk ducts, the more you will produce. Your baby is working hard to tell your body that they will need more of a supply.
5. Asking for help is essential
You need to look after yourself! Feeding may be tiring especially at night and during growth spurts.
Ask your mum, partner, friend, or whoever is around to help, hold your baby, burp them, or even try to console them while you take a break.
Take a step back and have tea, a biscuit, or something nice to drink or eat. If you can go for a bath, shower, or even better a nap. Use this time for you. This will help you feel a little bit less overwhelmed and stressed.
Remember, going into feeding stressed is likely to stress the baby out and impact the feed.
6. It may not be for everyone
Think of the baby! A fed baby is a HAPPY baby.
There is no shame in mix or formula feeding. Read that again. There is no shame in mix or formula feeding!
It can provide a needed relief for when you are stressed OR if you are not comfortable breastfeeding you can still feed your baby.
Your partner or parents might appreciate that they can help you and get to experience the magic of feeding the baby.
Mix or formula feeding is also your choice!
7. It can be a magical experience
Although it is difficult at times, it can be a magical experience for you and your baby.
It can create a bond between you and the baby that no one else has. Yes, the reality is that it is not always easy, but once you master the latch, the best breastfeeding positions for you and your baby, and start noticing your baby’s cues you can enjoy the experience much more.
It is your and your baby’s time, use that! This is a bond no one else will have with your baby.
This post was all about the must-know realities of breastfeeding to help prepare yourself for your little one.
Ultimately, the breastfeeding reality is that it can be difficult to breastfeed at first but it is a journey and does get easier. Remember, it is entirely up to you, you do not have to decide now. You can change your mind! However, if you do want to see if breastfeeding is for you, it may be easier to start with breastfeeding as you can get a lot of support from your healthcare professionals, you can choose to carry on or you can stop whenever you want. One last piece of advice, prepare yourself for the journey, the ups and downs, there is a lot of support out there so use it to your advantage.
You have got this Mama, you can do it!
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